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London International Summer School

London International Summer School

Amount (£)


Please ensure that the amount you are paying totals the selections you are making on your application form (ie all relevant tuition, accommodation and social programme fees), and include a copy of your payment receipt when submitting your application.

Please send any queries to [email protected].


Detailed Description

If you are applying as a study abroad summer student to the London International Summer School, you are required to pay all relevant tuition, accommodation and social programme fees at the time of application if:

  • you are applying directly to the Education Abroad Team (ie not through the international office at your university or college with whom we have an active partnership, or not through a study abroad provider with whom we have an active partnership);
  • you are applying through the international office at your university or college with whom we have an active partnership, and you are responsible for making payment of fees directly to the University of Westminster.